Sunday, March 27, 2011


Someone asked me today how old Ben and Grace are now. I realized that May12th they will be 3 years old. That time seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. The weeks and months go by so fast. I remember the first night Ben and Grace got to be in the hospital room with me. Ben had been with me once I was able to come off of the medication for preeclampsia, but Grace had to spend three days in the NICU. Both babies had to spend time under the "bili" lights and when they were lying side by side they looked identical. That night Mark and I both would get them mixed up until we had to change a diaper and then would realize who was who. We had to keep a record of how often they ate, how many wet and dirty diapers they had to see if they were ready to go home with us. They had both lost a signifigant amount of weight and were under 5 pounds each. That was a stressful night for us as we felt that did we not succeed in keeping their weight from dropping, we would not be taking our babies home with us. The nurses in the NICU were having a really hard time getting Grace to drink the special premie formula. I was so happy once she was out of the NICU and could have the opportunity to feed her myself. This mother did not want to leave her babies at the hospital and go home without them. As they slept next to each other under what looked like a baby tanning bed, they just looked so content to be with each other again. They did get to go home with us the next day.

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