Saturday, March 12, 2011


Thinking back to October 7, 2007, I remember how excited I was about the chance to be a mother again. This was the date when two, adopted embryos that had been frozen were transferred to my uterus. It was the day that Ben and Grace began to grow into babies. They will be having their 3rd birthday in May of this year and there are so many memories and photos to share! So I'll start from their birthday, May 12, 2008.

Benjamin Robert was not happy to be coming out so early. He and his sister were born by cesarean section 6 weeks before their due date. He had no problems letting everyone in the delivery room know how he felt about it too. He weighed in at 5 pounds 7 ounces.

Grace Elizabeth was born one minute after her brother and she was not as vocal as her brother. She was having difficulty breathing and was using her energy for that. No crying. All 5 pounds 3 ounces of her was taken to the hospital NICU to have a breathing tube put in to help her. She has since made up for this by being a very vocal girl who knows what she wants and how she wants it!

We were incredibly grateful that they were both healthy and weighed over 5 pounds when they were born. I felt relieved and yet guilty that I was not able to carry them longer due to having preeclampsia. It's a nasty disease that I had experienced during another pregnancy. It's dangerous for both mom and babies. Momma still had some scary days ahead but Benjamin and Grace were alive and healthy and what an awesome blessing to begin life with them as part of our family.

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